Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sai Baba's Teachings

Sai Baba's Teachings

Sai Baba of Shirdi is the epitome of reverence a guiding force who generates supreme faith and confidence among his devotees looking for salvation and in quest of coming out of the drudgery of living. As a divine mother he is saturated with love for those who seek him. With his mission of making people about the divine consciousness and transcending the limits of mortal body, his teachings are guiding his devotees to the path of salvation. People are blessed who follow his teachings.

Sai Baba's TeachingsAmong the teachings of Sai Baba of Shirdi there are the cardinal principles of Sai Path called 'Shraddha' and 'Saburi'. Sai Baba looks for these two qualities in his devotees. Here are the teachings and philosophies of Sai Baba of Shirdi.

'Shraddha' is a Sanskrit word, which roughly means faith with love and reverence. Such faith or trust is generated out of conviction, which may not be the result of any rational belief or intellectual wisdom, but a spiritual inspiration. According to Sai Baba of Shirdi, steadfast love in God is the gateway to eternity. Baba's teaching, both direct and indirect explicate the significance of 'Shraddha'. Baba reiterates the spiritual guidance of Shri Krishna to Arjun - "Whosoever offer to Me with love or devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, that offering of pure love is readily accepted by Me".

'Saburi'; means patience and perseverance. Saburi is a quality needed throughout the path to reach the goal. This quality must be ingrained in a seeker from day one, least he looses his stride and leaves the path half way

For Sai Baba it was not the purity of the body but inner purity that mattered. No amount of physical and external cleansing would serve any purpose if the man remained impure in mind and heart. Therefore, Baba cautioned His devotees not to make austerity as an end itself, lest they should indulge in physical mortification.

Himself an epitome of compassion and love, Sai Baba taught compassion among his disciples. Baba often told His devotees, 'Never turn away anybody from your door, be it a human being or animal'.

Complete Surrender to the Guru
Sai Baba put Guru on a high pedestal of reverence. For Him Guru was the profound base of the path of devotion. Pointing to his physical frame, "This body is my house. I am not here. My Guru (Master) has taken me away". He asked for complete surrender to the 'Guru'.

Sai Baba's Teachings through 'Udi' and 'Dakshina'

Udi or the sacred ash was produced from the perpetual fire called 'dhuni' lit by Sai Baba in Dwarkamai at Shirdi. Explaining the meaning of life He would refer to Udi and taught that like Udi all the visible phenomena in the world are transient. Through this example Sai Baba wished to make his devotees understand the sense of discrimination between the unreal and the real. Udi taught the devotees discrimination or vivek.

Sai Baba would demand 'Dakshina' or alms from those who visited him. This explained the sense of non-attachment to worldly things. Hence Dakshina taught the devotees non-attachment or Vairagya.

Sai Baba's Mission

Sai Baba's Mission

The spiritual guru and redeemer of mankind, Sai Baba of Shirdi has been one of the greatest influencing gurus of the Modern times. As among the most popular Indian saints with an ever growing following of devotees, Sai Baba inspires an unflinching faith on his devotees with his clear cut mission to provide not only a spiritual awakening, but also saving the mankind from suffering and ignorance.

MissionOf Sai BabaForsaking the worldly pleasure in his tender years Sai Baba came to Shirdi with a mission that sprang from the source of His free and redeemed spirit. His mission was self-allotted and that was to awaken the mankind to his true self and divine nature. He wanted to lead them to salvation by saving them from delusion and ignorance. Such is His benevolence that Sai Baba stands there eternally extending His helping hand to give solace to His children who are suffering and leading a wretched life devoid of any hope.

With the whole world under benevolence Sai Baba inspires an undying hope among the mankind. Thus, it is His sacred mission to awaken, elevate, transform and comfort His children. These may be the tangible missions of Sai Baba that ensure harmony all around. However, He had several bigger missions as well that encompassed the whole of universe and its administration including creation, sustenance and destruction. Ultimately, the mission of Sai Baba was to evolve human beings to the state of godliness, i.e., realizing the spiritual body in the mankind leading to their complete redemption and salvation. His powerful assurance 'Why fear when I am hear' has been the great source of strength among the ever growing number of Sai Baba's devotees.

Life of Shirdi Saibaba

Shirdi : Life of Shirdi Saibaba

Life of Shirdi Saibaba

Shri Saibaba of Shirdi lived between 1838 and 1918, whose real name, birthplace and date of birth are not known. An Indian spiritual guru and a fakir that transcended the barriers of religions, Saibaba of Shirdi was regarded with great reverence by both Hindu and Muslim followers. He lived in a mosque and after death his body was cremated in a temple.

Life Of Sai babaHis philosophy ingrained 'Shraddha' meaning faith and 'Saburi' meaning compassion. According to him Shraddha and Saburi were the supreme attributes to reach the state of godliness.

It is believed that at a tender age of 16 yrs Shri Saibaba arrived at the village of Shirdi in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra and remained their till his death. He found shelter in Khandoba temple, where a villager Mahalsapathi in the temple addressed him as Sai or Saint.

Saibaba of Shirdi lived an extremely simple and austere life, sleeping on the floor of temple and later taking a ruined mosque as his shelter. With his arrival to Shirdi, in no time he began exhibiting a hypnotic attraction among people as they began flocking to him. He is attributed many miracles doing things that were beyond a mortal's power. He never discouraged these attributes and soon his fame spread like wild fire. Many pilgrims came seeking his blessings. Such was his hypnotism that even the mundane of his activities attracted large crowds.

Popular among both Hindus and Muslims, Shri Saibaba became a great building force between the two disparate communities. He regularly recited Hindu and Muslim prayers. His Hindu followers considered him to be an avatar or reincarnation of Shiva and Dattatreya. Sai Baba did not leave any written works. All his teachings were oral and catchy. His sayings were short, crisp and in layman language with which the common mass could easily associate.

Saibaba encouraged charity and said, "Unless there is some relationship or connection, nobody goes anywhere. If any men or creatures come to you, do not discourteously drive them away, but receive them well and treat them with due respect."

Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi was unique in the sense that he lived his message through the essence of his being. He lived among the common people adorning a torn kafni (long robe), sleeping over a mat while using brick as his headrest and got his food by begging. Such was his smile that radiated a mystical charisma and deep seated inward look that hypnotized the people who visited him.

His most concise message for one and all alike was "Why fear when I am here".
Saibaba said that he was a slave in the service of those who loved him. He was ever living to help those who turn to him and that he has to take care of his children day and night.

Saibaba's mission was to restore belief in god and according to him, "I give people what they want in the hope that they will begin to want what I want to give them (knowledge of the Ultimate)." He then taught values of total surrender to the Almighty Master (ALLAH MALIK EK- The only ONE) and experiences his grace.

Today, Shri Saibaba has millions of devotees in India and abroad. Shirdi, the obscure village in Maharashtra has become a pilgrimage destination much as Bethlehem, Jerusalem or Varanasi. With over 25,000 pilgrims thronging in here each day the number of pilgrims climb to over a hundred thousand on holidays and festival days. There are over 2,000 major Sai temples in different parts of India and 150 abroad in places as far-flung as Canada and Kenya, Singapore and England.

Miracles of Shirdi Sai Baba

Miracles of Shirdi Sai Baba

Sai Baba of Shirdi is an epitome of spiritual perfection and has been the guiding source for the mankind leading to salvation. As a spiritual guru and savior Shri Saibaba was no ordinary fakir but an avatar of high order. This was evident through his miracles and sayings that exhibited his purpose and intention for which he had come. He would often say, "My Leela is inscrutable". Saibaba's Leela's (miracles) were plenty and varied; here are a few of the miracles of Shirdi Saibaba, for his devotees and those interested in his philosophies.

Baba's Leelas (Miracles)

Lighting Lamps with Water
Miracles of Shirdi Sai BabaThis is among the earliest evidences of Saibaba's miracles. Baba was fond of lighting earthenware lamps in his masjid and other temples. For this he needed oil, which he got from the grocers of Shirdi, as small donations. But there came a time when the grocers got tired of giving him oil for free. And so they refused him any oil saying they had no fresh stocks. Baba didn't say a word and returned to his masjid. But the masjid was not to remain in dark, as Sai Baba lit his earthenware lamps pouring water instead, which burnt deep into the midnight. Such was the miraculous power of Saibaba who lit fire out of water! When grocers came to know about it they rushed to him with apologies. Sai Baba pardoned them, but he warned them never to lie again. "You could have refused to give me the oil, but did you have to say that you didn't have fresh stocks?" he admonished them. But he had made his point.

Premonition of Burning Fields
Once, harvesting in Shirdi had been completed and the foodgrains of the entire village had been stored in a yard. Blistering summer was ferocious. One afternoon Saibaba summoned Kondaji Sutar and asked him to better rush to his field as it was on fire. Fear struck Kondaji ran to his field but there was not a trace of smoke. He got back and said so to Saibaba. Unfazed Baba asked him to look again and as the luck would have it, a part of corn was indeed afire and smoke was beginning to billow from it. With strong wind fanning the fire, Kondaji became jittery and asked Saibaba to do something. At this Baba walked to the yard and sprinkled some water and the fire immediately got extinguished.

Stopping the Rain
There goes a story that one Rao Bahadur Moreshwar Pradhan s wife had come for Sai Baba's darshan. As the couple was about to leave, it began to rain heavily with thunder and lightening. Seeing the Pradhan couple in trouble, Saibaba invoked the God and asked the rain to calm down, which surely did and the Pradhan were able to reach their destination safely.

Raising the Water Level in Well
When Sai Baba first came to Shirdi it had of no basic facilities. There was a well put only in name, with no natural spring water. Villagers had tough time fetching water from a distance. When the villagers were to celebrate Baba's birthday on Ramnavami, there was obviously crisis of water in the region. But Saibaba with his miracles had solution for this problem as well. He showered some leaves into the well and lo and behold the level of water rose fulfilling the dire wish of the villagers.

Saving a Child from Drowning
Once a 3-year-old daughter of a poor man named Babu Kirwandikar had fallen into a well and got drowned. When the villagers rushed to the well, they found to their utter disbelief that the child was suspended in midair as if some invisible hand was holding her. This again was one of the many miracles of Saibaba that saved people from distress.

Flow of Godavari (river) from Baba's Feet
As recounted by Das Ganu, one of the disciples of Shri Saibaba, once he sought permission from Baba to visit a place called Singba on the banks of Godavari to have a holy bath. Saibaba refused and said what was the use of going that distance when Godavari was right under his feet. Das was puzzled. Realizing the doubt in Das's mind Saibaba asked him to come closer and hold the hollow of his palms at Baba's feet. As soon as he did so water flowed freely out of the toes of the master's feet and filled the hollow of Das Ganu's palms in no time. His joy knew no limits. He sprinkled the water on his head and his body and distributed some more among the assembled devotees as tirtha (holy water).

Om Shri Sai Nathaya Namaha Sai SatCharitra a divine gift from Sai Baba is read daily by many devotees of Sai Baba of Shirdi. Completing the reading in given number of days of sacred text’s is called Parayans. Along Shri Sai Satcharitra with the daily reading part or few chapters, by devotees of Sai Baba, Parayan of Sai SatCharitra has it’s own importance and benefits. Sai devotee, Shailendra Bharti of New Delhi, has narrated and recorded the Hindi translation of Sai SatChaitra. This is primarily done for those devotees who cannot read or find it difficult to read this sacred text. It might be due to old age, or any other physical weakness, that might be of poor sight, or blindness or any other similar difficulty. Sai_Satcharitra_Marathi This audio recording of the narration of this sacred text, is boon for these devotees, who would love to listen the life stories of Sai Baba and many miracles of Sai Baba, from this sacred work. Not only this, the times have changed. Technology and changed the way man works. Lifestyle has changed a lot during recent few years. Computers, mp3 players that comes with computers, tablets, iphones, cellular phones, car audio systems are part of human lives. They are being used more and more as a necessity. Escape from these electronic gadgets is nearly impossible. So mp3 audio files of Sri SaiSatCharitra is also great for those not disabled and can read. Along with the reading of Sai SatCharitra and feeling closeness with Sai Baba, mp3 players that comes with these electronic gadgets can used for divine and spiritual purpose. They can be an aid to be with closer to this sacred work at various places and situations when reading is not possible. Devotees can listen to Sri Sai SatCharitra while driving a car or while travelling in trains or airplanes or buses. Audio recording of these chapters of Sai SatCharitra is very professional and good. As stated in Sri Sai SatCharitra Chapter 10. The object of mind Sai_SatCharitra_Hindi and love varies with different people. For some the object of mind-love is their children. For some it maybe wealth, honor and riches – the body, the house, fame and glory, and for some it is the acquisition of knowledge. All this love for material, when is directed and offered to the lotus feet of Sai Baba is an easy way of getting Sai Baba’s blessings and divine love. So why wait. Download Shri Sai SatCharitra mp3 audio files on the gadgets you use. Listen to the stories and teachings of Sai Baba, while body is in leisure and mind is not. Give the mind a very good object, Sri Sai SatCharitra, and help yourself develop bhakti or devotion. Help yourself get closer to Sai Baba. Below is the list of all post of Shirdi Sai Baba Sai SatCharitra Hindi videos post. With each post short summary of each (after chapter 7) post is also written. List of all chapters Shri Sai SatCharitra Hindi vidoes Shri Sai SatCharitra Hindi chapter 1– Audio Video Shri Sai SaCharitra Chapter 2 Video Audio Sai SatCharitra video Chapter 3 Shri Sai SatCharitra Hindi Chapter 4 Audio Video Sai SatCharitra Chapter 5 - Hindi Audio Video Sai SatCharitra Chapter 6 - Hindi Audio Video Sai SatCharitra Chapter 7 - Hindi Audio Video Shri Sai SatCharitra Chapter 8 Hindi Audio Video Sai SatCharitra Chapter 9 - Hindi Audio Video Sai SatCharitra Chapter 10 - Hindi Audio Video Sai SatCharitra Chapter 11 - Hindi Audio Video Sai SatCharitra Chapter 12 - Hindi Audio Video

Om Shri Sai Nathaya Namaha

Sai SatCharitra a divine gift from Sai Baba is read daily by many devotees of Sai Baba of Shirdi. Completing the reading in given number of days of sacred text’s is called Parayans. Along Shri Sai Satcharitra with the daily reading part or few chapters, by devotees of Sai Baba, Parayan of Sai SatCharitra has it’s own importance and benefits.

Sai devotee, Shailendra Bharti of New Delhi, has narrated and recorded the Hindi translation of  Sai SatChaitra. This is primarily done for those devotees who cannot read or find it difficult to read this sacred text. It might be due to old age, or any other physical weakness, that might be of poor sight, or blindness or any other similar difficulty.

Sai_Satcharitra_Marathi This audio recording of the narration of this sacred text, is boon for these devotees, who would love to listen the life stories of Sai Baba and many miracles of Sai Baba, from this sacred work. Not only this, the times have changed. Technology and changed the way man works. Lifestyle has changed a lot during recent few years. Computers, mp3 players that comes with computers, tablets, iphones, cellular phones, car audio systems are part of human lives. They are being used more and more as a necessity. Escape from these electronic gadgets is nearly impossible.

So mp3 audio files of Sri SaiSatCharitra is also great for those not disabled and can read. Along with the reading of Sai SatCharitra and feeling closeness with Sai Baba, mp3 players that comes with  these electronic gadgets can used for divine and spiritual purpose. They can be an aid to be with closer to this sacred work at various places and situations when reading is not possible. Devotees can listen to Sri Sai SatCharitra while driving a car or while travelling in trains or airplanes or buses. Audio recording of these chapters of Sai SatCharitra is very professional and good.

As stated in Sri Sai SatCharitra Chapter 10. The object of mind Sai_SatCharitra_Hindi and love varies with different people. For some the object of mind-love is their children. For some it maybe wealth, honor and riches – the body, the house, fame and glory, and for some it is the acquisition of knowledge. All this love for material, when is directed and offered to the lotus feet of Sai Baba is an easy way of getting Sai Baba’s blessings and divine love.

So why wait. Download Shri Sai SatCharitra mp3 audio files on the gadgets you use. Listen to the stories and teachings of Sai Baba, while body is in leisure and mind is not. Give the mind a very good object, Sri Sai SatCharitra, and help yourself develop bhakti or devotion. Help yourself get closer to Sai Baba.

Below is the list of all post of Shirdi Sai Baba Sai SatCharitra Hindi videos post. With each post short summary of each (after chapter 7) post is also written.

List of all chapters Shri Sai SatCharitra Hindi  vidoes

Shri Sai SatCharitra Hindi chapter 1– Audio Video
Shri Sai SaCharitra Chapter 2 Video Audio
Sai SatCharitra video Chapter 3
Shri Sai SatCharitra Hindi Chapter 4 Audio Video
Sai SatCharitra Chapter 5 - Hindi Audio Video
Sai SatCharitra Chapter 6 - Hindi Audio Video
Sai SatCharitra Chapter 7 - Hindi Audio Video
Shri Sai SatCharitra Chapter 8 Hindi Audio Video
Sai SatCharitra Chapter 9 - Hindi Audio Video
Sai SatCharitra Chapter 10 - Hindi Audio Video
Sai SatCharitra Chapter 11 - Hindi Audio Video
Sai SatCharitra Chapter 12 - Hindi Audio Video